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Seeford's Spot

Reader, not a writer, and like to keep it that way - I'd rather be reading!
Darkborn - Alison Sinclair I really enjoyed this one - more than I thought I would. What looks like another standard fantasy/paranormal romance is actually a political intrigue/adventure novel. An engrossing 'world' with an interesting magic system, and the underlying 'curse' which sundered the people into the Darkborn and the Lightborn, two societies which operate independently, but share the same space in the capital city. I thought the Darkborn were going to be some kind of vampiric race, this assumption not helped by the dark beauty on the cover, but instead the Darkborn, who would be burned to ash by the light, any strong light, use 'sonn', a cleverly realized sense of sonar to make up for the sense of sight, which they lack. Living in total darkness, sight as we know it would be of no use to them.
Highly recommmend, I will definitely be reading the rest of this trilogy, which happily for me are all already published. = )